In an era when the status of the world's first and only superpower, the USA is questioned on a daily basis, SUPERPOWER investigates the core elements and ideology that created and maintains the USA's superpower status.

In juxtaposition to this, SUPERPOWER includes work inspired by the world's emerging superpower, China. This side by side comparison of these two widely different, but often similar powers offers a fascinating insight into the delevopment of the world in the 21st century.

Scheduled to coincide with July 4th, SUPERPOWER will include all new work from Gavin Bond, Chris Heads, Chris Bracey and FTA Collective created specifically for this exhibit, alongside classicly engaging works from Andy Warhol.
Please contact the gallery for further information and availability. Appointments are available 7 days a week for private viewing and discussing your collecting needs.
300 N Robertson Blvd.
West Hollywood CA, 90048
Tel: +1 310.979.0011
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