David Drebin Shows in Stolkholm Museum
Sep 13th, 2010
Guy Hepner proudly announces the showing of a selection of fashion photography by David Drebin in a Stolkholm museums' fall exhibition.
When an exclusive European museum decides to open an exhibit spanning the history and development of fashion photography through the years, the presence of certain photographer's work becomes indispensible in order to fully represent the genre. David Drebin is one of those photographers.Below is Drebin's work entitled, "Over the Top," which is part of the fall show.

Fotografiska Museet, an important museum in Stolkhom, Sweden devoted to the representation and exhibition of contemporary photography, anticipates the opening of its exhibition enititled 'Fashion!' on September 24th. The show will run through January 2nd of next year, and has selected only 50 of the world's most renowned fashion photographers to form a compilation of 200 hundred photographs.
The exhibition is said to the be one of the most comprehensive exhibitions in Europe to date, stacked with the biggest names in fashion photography over the past century. Including artists from Man Ray, to Tina Berning and Esther Haase, each photographer and piece represented is vital to the accurate depiction of such a broadly spanned genre.
In such a concentrated and exclusive exhibiton, it is no surprise that both David Drebin and Russell James, two artists proudly represented by Guy Hepner, will be on view in the 'Fashion!' exhibition. Drebin's piece "Over the Top" is part of his newly released collection, 'Self Indulgence.' Below is the work, "Waiting for the Call," part of the collection now on view at Guy Hepner.

Please contact the gallery for further information and availability. Appointments are available 7 days a week for private viewing and discussing your collecting needs.
Guy Hepner
300 N Robertson Blvd.
West Hollywood CA, 90048
Tel: +1 310.979.0011
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