New Works on View Aug 23th, 2010
Guy Hepner is pleased to announce that a selection of new works are Now on View at 300 N Robertson. The new works on display encompass varying media, from photography, oil on canvas, installation, vinyl on plexiglass, to screenprints.
It seems an addiction has formed to Gavin Bond's exclusive Backstage Collection at Victoria's Secret. Gavin Bond's irresitible, fun, sexy and glamorous piece, Untitled 2 from Backstage: Volume III, is available to view at Guy Hepner.

Two of Alex Guofeng Cao's iconic compositie photographs are now in the gallery. Each work by Alex Cao, entitled Jackie VS JKF II and JFK VS Jackie contains an internal dialogue: the larger image and the miniscule images that make up the complete form are undeniably relevant to one another.

At last, Jason Alper releases new works following his succesful It's All Back On opening at Guy Hepner in April. Alper's oil on canvas entitled Brown Boy is on view, along with the installation entitled Way Too Big (Pink).
At Guy Hepner is another unique piece by Jorge Oswaldo. The Oswaldo's piece entitled The Silver Lining is made from self-adhesive vinyl and arcylic on plexiglass.
One of Andy Warhol's infamous Marilyn series, Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn) [11.27] is also available to view at Guy Hepner.

Please contact the gallery for further information and availability. Appointments are available 7 days a week for private viewing and discussing your collecting needs.
Guy Hepner
300 N Robertson Blvd.
West Hollywood CA, 90048
Tel: +1 310.979.0011